Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Alyssa's First Camping Trip

Paco and Scout all wet!!

Alyssa and Mommy under the tarp!! Alyssa reading her book!!

Alyssa and Ava reading together!!

Ava and Alyssa playing with Alyssa's Moo Cow!!

Mommy and Alyssa hiding in the tent!!

Having fun in her bumbo!!

Laying with Daddy!!

Keeping warm by the fire!!

The Henry family's first camping trip!!

This past weekend we decided to take Alyssa camping with a couple of friends and their daughter Ava before they moved to Miami. We picked the same camping spot we went to last year that we had so much fun at in the sun. I packed everything I could think of and what we didn't have I bought on our way out. I was prepared for anything!! (Or so I thought) We get to our camping spot. Hooray!! Our spot is still open!! We start getting out our tents and all of a sudden it starts pouring!! Luckily for us we bought a tent that we could put up in no time considering the fact that we've done a lot of camping in bad weather and we didn't want to get stuck drenched in the rain. We didn't know that our first camping trip would be that test!! Our tent goes up quickly so we help our friends out who bought a huge family two room tent that happened to be more complicated than initially thought. Meanwhile the baby's are oblivious in their bumbo seats sitting in the cars playing with their toys. It was so cute. We managed to get the tents up before everyone was soaked and then the clouds allowed us to get everything in the tents before raining again. The rain was bad but we thought that if this was the only day of rain then we were doing good. Last year at the same time it was between 90 and 100 degrees so we weren't too worried about the rain staying. I had bought everything to sheild my baby from harmful uv rays but didn't even think to buy umbrellas for rain!! The next day the rain didn't stop so our friends headed back into town to get a tarp so we could stay dry outside and actually bring the baby's outside for their first camping trip. Alyssa did very well. The rain didn't seem to bother her at all but Mommy was worried about her getting sick but it didn't really matter if she did since I brought her whole medicine cabinet just in case!! She didn't get sick though and we ended up having a lot of fun once the tarp porch was made. The girls loved playing in the back of the durango in their bumbo seats. I'm just glad that we had spurts of dry so Alyssa could get out and enjoy the warmth of the fire and see a bit of the outdoors her Daddy is always talking about!!

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