So it's been a long time since I've updated our blog, so what better way to get back into the groove of things than to give an update on where things are at in our pregnancy?! So far this pregnancy has been absolutely amazing. I haven't had any complications other than the normal morning sickness and general discomfort in my back. We are now 21 weeks along and had our big ultrasound appointment earlier today. Alyssa is always excited to get to see the baby any chance we get and always insists that the doctor check her tummy for a baby! She really is adorable and the nurses usually indulge her by sticking the stethoscope to her belly and send her off with a sticker.
As you can see by the pictures below we are having a healthy baby boy! Two eyes, a nose, mouth, healthy heart, healthy lungs, and two big feet! The nurse confirmed what I had been kind of fearing by telling us he was measuring slightly bigger than average but not enough to change the due date! All I can say is keep those drugs a coming! Lol however I feel very happy and blessed to have a healthy baby on the way. I just hope he doesn't come out an 11 pounder like I've been told David did!

Helping daddy read a magazine while waiting to see her little brother!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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