August has been a very exciting month for our family!! Matt was able to fix his eyes with PRK surgery and the best part was that it was paid for by the military!! We are very fortunate to have these opportunities due to Matt's career. Alyssa also has learned how to sit and everyday she gets closer and closer to crawling!! I see the wheels turning in her head everyday!! She is such a smart little girl!! She is so much like her father it's amazing!! Matt's eyes are healing very well and at his appointment today his vision was a combined 20/30 and the optometrist believes he could possibly have 20/15 by the end of his recovery!! We can't wait to see what he ends up with. Until then it's eye drops, eye drops, eye drops!!!

Matt's last day wearing glasses!!

Alyssa loves to play with her tiger!!
It's so fun to see your family. I am not sure if you really know me?? but I am Lee's daughter.anyhow.. Alyssa is so cute. It looks like you guys are having a fun time and doing well. I will certainly check back :)
Matt, I was so excited to hear about your procedure. Wow, I almost can't picture it. I'll have to see it myself to believe it. No more glasses!!! Congrats man - it must feel really good. Nice perk too - way to go coast guard! I wish we were coming up soon to hang out - we miss you guys!
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