After we were through with the tour we decided we needed to get something to eat!! Unfortunately we had been craving Joe's Crab Shack and that was in the opposite direction as the Ferry Building that we needed to be at before 8:25 but we figured we had plenty of time and that it would be ok. This trip to Joe's was the most fun because there were a lot of kids there and the employees were doing more dancing than usual and Alyssa loved it!! We were having so much fun we lost track of the time and when Matt looked at the time it was 8:06!! How in the world were we going to make it to the Ferry Building when it was at least 2 miles down the road!! We made a mad dash out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk running as fast as we can and trying to spot a cab at the same time since that was the only way we were going to make it in time if it was even possible!! Matt thankfully finds and cab and we pile in as fast as we can and ask the guy if he thought we could make it before the ferry left and he sounded pretty confident!! Normally I would be scared out of my mind the driving that he did and to tell you the truth I still was since my precious daughter was in there with us!! We made it to the building with 4 minutes to spare but we still had to get to the pier that had our ferry. I was terrified we weren't going to make it but I ran with the stroller and Matt ran with Alyssa and we made it with 2 minutes to spare. Next time I think I'll drive and pay the parking just so I don't have to stress as much!! What an adventure for Alyssa though!! She was smiling the entire time!!

On the ferry to San Francisco!!

With her Daddy!!!

Don't take me to prison!! I promise I'll be good!!

On our way to Alcatraz!!

A view of Coit Tower from the back of the ferry!

Oh no!! My little girl's behind bars already!!

Walking around the island!!

Playing with Daddy on our way back to S. F.

What a sweet little girl!!