Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Alyssa Meets Santa!!

A few weeks ago we went shopping at the mall for Christmas and decided that maybe it was a good time to introduce Alyssa to Santa!! Needless to say she was not very happy, to say the least, and it took some doing to get this little girl to calm down. Not that the photographers weren't trying!! I've never seen people work so hard to get a smile!! This is the most calm picture we had to choose from!! There's always next year!! Maybe Santa bringing toys this year will help her for next year!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Arkansas Trip '08

Alyssa relaxing at the USO before our first leg of the trip began. They even had some tasty baby food and apple juice for her!!!

Alyssa's a frequent flyer.... this makes 2 trips before her first birthday!

If my math serves me, a $13 fishing license divided by two fish equals I paid $6.50 for each of these fish....

They sure tasted good though!

Austin used up half our camera memory on self portraits. Thanks Austin.

From left to right is Nataillie, Becky, Alyssa of course and Melody on the right.

April's cow "Baby Face" with Alyssa's calf hiding right behind.

He's a good looking calf. I think I'll name him "T-Bone".

Alyssa is having Melody check to make sure it's safe before she attempts the scary tunnel.

Uncle Matt (looking grizzly)

Nataillie and Uncle Matt

Her treat for doing good in school!!

Melody is such a cutie!

The three munchkins!! Nataillie, Austin, and Melody!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sunny San Diego

At the end of September Matt and I took a trip down to San Diego with Alyssa to see all the family again and to attempt what seemed like the impossible!! To get a picture with all the Henry children!! It was a very fun trip and despite all the sweat and tired babies we did it!! We managed to get all the Henry's in the same spot at the same time! Yea!! All the families took full advantage since it's such a rare phenomenon and who knows when we'll have this rare opportunity again? We had such a fun time seeing everyone again and can't wait until our next trip whenever that may be!! Here are just a few of the many pictures taken at Old Poway Park!!

Our branch of The Family Tree

Alex loved to give Alyssa hugs and kisses!!

Here's a doll for all your troubles!!

Mel and Alex

Another family shot!

Friday, October 3, 2008

More Pictures

Not so little Cal Bear

Alyssa and Mommy waiting to take their pictures
Such a big girl sitting by her Daddy

Alex holding Alyssa during the grandbaby photo shoot

Having fun with her Daddy

Dan, Matt, David, Andrew, Steve, and Mel

Michael, Alyssa, Calvin, Madison, and Alex

"You're funny Daddy!"

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alyssa's Day Out!!

Hey all, Matt here. April, Alyssa and I went on an exploring spree at Golden Gate Park, as April wanted to find the Carousel and children's play area. After making a couple laps of the park, we asked for directions at Stowe Lake and were pointed in the right direction. Luckily we arrived at the Carousel before it closed for the day and Alyssa loved it. After the ride on our faithful, yet speedy rooster we played around in the play area before calling it a day. A good day was had by all!

Am I tall enough to ride alone Mommy?

Mommy is kidding herself if she thinks her pony is going to stand a chance of beating our Rooster

Alyssa can body surf with the best of them

" Sea turtles, Mate"

Bring the Sub to periscope depth!

Captain Alyssa has the deck and the Con.

Hmmm.... I look scared and she is falling asleep?

First experience with a swing set. Smiles all around!